Meet Our Therapists

Colon Hydrotherapist, Certified Health Coach and Yoga Teacher
Sara Guilbeau
Sara Guilbeau is a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Taoist Healing Arts. She is a Certified Health Coach in Western Nutrition and Eastern Herbology and a Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher. She uses techniques such as Tai Qi and Qi Kung to activate the body and move energy. Her variety of experience has allowed her to integrate these trainings in a personalized approach for her clients varying needs. Sara spent the last few years practicing in New York with a majority of her time at Vitality NYC.
After living with digestive issues from a young age, having random allergic reactions, and a history of antibiotics and other medications she realized that it didn’t always have to be about taking something to combat the symptoms of what was bothering her.
Upon moving back west, Sara knew she wanted to evolve her passion for healing arts by taking care of others and holding that space for them.

Owner, Colon Hydrotherapist and Holistic Health Counselor
Michael Perrine
Michael Perrine is a Detoxification Consultant, Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Certified Holistic Health Counselor and the owner of Ashland Gravity Colonics and Vitality NYC. Over the last eighteen years, Michael has performed over 30,000 colonic irrigations and supervised thousands of people through various methods of internal cleansing including fasting, colon cleansing and liver flushing. Michael has also studied nutritional science and diet philosophy at the Natural Gourmet Institute for Food & Health and The Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
After years of traveling between Ashland and New York City, Michael finally decided to settle in Ashland to raise his family.

Colon Hydrotherapist and Trauma-Informed Embodiment Guide
Rachel Sims
Rachel is a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Trauma-Informed Embodiment Guide, and Sacred Water Keeper. She combines her training in Eden Energy Medicine, Womb Activation, Yin Yoga, and the Feminine Arts to assist in her sessions with clients. Rachel has traveled the world to learn about holistic healing and the ancient healing arts, connecting with elders and sacred spaces that have opened her to the wisdom and magic of healing. From these teachings and Rachel’s own 15-year journey with chronic illness, she’s learned the significance that water plays in our embodiment and journey back to wholeness. After several years as a colon hydrotherapist in NYC, she’s so excited to be offering these sessions here in Ashland!
(If you’re interested, Rachel is also a Kangen Water Distributor - please ask her about incorporating this water into your detox protocol before or after a session).
When Rachel isn’t assisting clients in healing sessions, you’ll find her sitting somewhere cozy with a hot cup of cacao. You can find more about her and her offerings at